Well what a month of crazy weather. Winter did not want to give up her grip! We had some 60 degree days & single digit days with slush ice floating down the river & wind howling like a "Zephyr".It was pretty darn good fishing even with drastic weather. They kept the river around 2000cfs until 3rd week, then drop it to 1000cfs in anticipation of run off/ rain.
Did a few trips early in the month with the weather canceling a lot mid month. Sanaya had some time off, so, she came out for a few days. We had 2 good days of weather with great fishing & 2 bad days with snow & wind. We spent one day tying some secret patterns that I taught Sanaya how to do. This sweet fish ate one of her own flies she tied that morning! She ended up hitting a few on her own flies. I was Stoked!
Had a great group of guys on 4-21. Andy & Greg were in my boat & we had a good day. Greg was the hot rod in the morning & Andy in the afternoon. Thanks you guys!
The last week of April was some decent weather with the most incredible BWO hatches on those unsettled days, but hardly a fish up on them. I did find a pod one day & was able to get 8 on BWO cripples.
Well, we have the "Two Fly Tournament" starting Thur. 5-7 for 2 days of competition. It is a fund raising event for local charity's. Go to http://www.twoflyfoundation.com/ for details. Hope the weather gets nice for these guys.
Until the next report,"It's Streamer time! Go search for the tug!"